Leeann Baggett
Email: lkbaggett@morgank12.org
Degrees and Certifications:
B.S. degree from University of North Alabama
Master’s degree from Alabama A & M University
LETRS Certified
Mrs. Leeann Baggett
My name is Leeann Baggett. I started teaching third grade in Decatur City Schools at Julian Harris in 1987. It was my first job and it was a brand new
school. It was a great place to teach and I had wonderful co-workers. I transferred to Eastwood Elementary School in 1995 when I was expecting
my son. I went there as a child and it has always held a special place in my heart. Again, I worked with wonderful teachers and principals there as well.
I have taught third grade for 17 years and first grade for 18 years. I am excited to be a Falkville Blue Devil now and I am enjoying teaching
second grade with a wonderful staff and administration. It is a special place for me because my grandmother, Jewel Knight, taught here. My
granddaddy, John Knight, Sr. was a mail carrier and taught Sunday School for 75 years at First Baptist Church. My dad, John Knight graduated from
Falkville High School and now lives in Lacon.
I am married to Jim Baggett and we have a son named John. We have 2 Boston terriers and one French bulldog. I enjoy gardening and arranging flowers. I have a convertible Beetle and I
love driving it because it looks like it is smiling at me when I come out to get in it.