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Paula Owens, Reading Specialist


Degrees and Certifications:

BS - Elementary Education, Athens State University
M. Ed. - Curriculum & Instruction, Faulkner University

IMSE Comprehensive
IMSE Morphology+
LETRS Certified

Mrs. Paula Owens

My name is Paula Owens. I am the Reading Specialist at FES. I am starting my 20th year at Falkville Elementary. I began my career as a kindergarten teacher. I have had the opportunity to teach in multiple grade levels at FES alongside some of the best teachers in Morgan County! 

I graduated from Athens State University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. I graduated from Faulkner University in 2018 with my Masters in Curriculum and Instruction. 

 I am married to my husband, John, and we have three beautiful daughters. They have all graduated, and my youngest is in college. My dad is my best friend, and I have the sweetest grandson. He lights up my world. I also have three dogs and a cat. I enjoy spending my free time with my family and friends. I love the History Channel, HGTV, old black-and-white movies, Braves baseball, Mexican food, my church family, and college football…ROLL TIDE!!

“Life is a long lesson in humility.” - J.M. Barrie

“Success is Not Final, Failure is Not Fatal: it is the Courage to Continue that Counts. …” - Winston Churchill