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Kim Smith, Inteventionist

Degrees and Certifications:

BS - Elementary Education, Athens State University
M. Ed. - University of Alabama-Birmingham

Mrs. Kim Smith

My name is Kim Smith.  The students call me Mrs. Kim.  I retired from Morgan County Schools after teaching for 27 years.  Twenty-five of those years were teaching first graders how to read. I couldn't stay away, so I came back as a part-time Reading Interventionist.  This will be my sixth year at FES doing intervention.  I help students who need extra practice with reading.  My goal is to provide instruction that helps students return to the classroom with academic success.

I have been married for 34 years to Phillip Smith.  I have two grown children; Stephanie(Blake) and Garrett.  I have one granddaughter; Charlotte. My husband, myself, and both of my children are all graduates of Morgan County Schools.:)

I love animals, gardening, and camping.

Go Blue Devils!!!!